Our Story

We started out small.

Anna was a designer with a passion for functional creativity. Ashleigh was a marketing professional with years of solid strategy experience. When we two began working together, it opened a new range of possibilities. As our client’s needs have developed, we’ve found a network of partnerships that allow us to expand our services as needed. 

Unlike a traditional agency, we have a different approach: we don’t have a huge staff working full time to inflate your budget. We prefer to use a different strategy. We allow our clients to pay for the services they need when they need them. This allows us to find the best person for your job and keep it running smoothly for you. Our clients know when they need a web developer... but do they know if they need someone who knows HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Sass, Grunt, Gulp, or PHP? That’s where we come in. We have great partnerships with a small army of experts:  freelance writers, photographers, programmers, illustrators, media buyers, and social media and SEO professionals that we call on for specialized projects. We coordinate the proper crew to meet your needs, and we will make sure all communication is smooth, efficient, and timely. 


Ashleigh Stoia

10+ years as Entrepreneur & Business Owner

Background in Organizational Development & Corporate Training Programs

Marketing Strategist

Is always early

Loves lakes


Anna Caddell

20+ years in the graphic design industry

Background in creative direction for print & web

Studied fine art

Probably has paint somewhere in her hair

Loves learning weird hobbies